As a small Registered Charity, you can be assured that every penny you donate will be put to good use and accounted for, and not spent on fancy offices and company cars!
Please, hit the button above! Any amount, however small, will always be appreciated! Then please send us your Gift Aid Declaration Form, if your donation is eligible.
If you have a preference for how we use your money, please tell us by using the drop-down options on the payment page or letting us know in the comments, and we will "ringfence" your donation for that purpose 😀.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Alternatively, to donate via our Bank Account, please use the details below:
Bank: HSBC
Account Name:
Account Type: Business
Sort Code: 40-33-33
Account Number: 12832097
If you'd like to pay for merchandise or an event, please make sure we give you the correct reference first, before using the details above.
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